




building regulations drawings 

It is prudent to wait for planning approval before commencing this stage. Using the planning drawings already prepared as a template, detailed constructional drawings and specification notes are prepared to show conformity with Building Regulations.


A structural engineer will also need to be appointed (at additional cost) to provide structural advice, design any structural elements and prepare calculations which building control will also require to grant approval.


Please note that client or builder may need further information not contained in standard building regs drawings - eg lighting and electrical layouts, or detail design drawings or schedules which would be at extra cost.


Note - building regulations drawings may not be required if client elects to undertake the works on the basis of a 'building notice'


Typical cost: 7-10 hours @ architects hourly rate*

Time schedule: allow 1-2 weeks for this stage


*Based on small, simple projects £40- £150K in value

t: 07935 222688
