




building regulations application

 There are two ways of gaining approval. The fee paid to the council is the same in both cases.

1: ‘Full Plans’ or ‘Pre-Site’ Approval involves the architect submitting drawings for approval before work starts. The application processing time is 2-5 weeks, and a ‘Notice of Passing Plans’ is provided. After inspecting the works, a Completion Certificate is issued by the building officer at the end of the project. The advantage of the Full Plans method is that the project is more fully designed and specified, so that architect, client, builder and building officer all know what is entailed in the works before it starts. More detailed drawings also result in more accurate builders quotes and better control and management of the project. The disadvantage is the further cost in drawing fees, and the application processing time

2.  ‘Building Notice Approval’ or ‘On site Approval’ does not require submitting construction drawings for approval in advance of the works. Instead, the builder simply submits an application form and site plan to the council. Advantages are that construction can start just 48hrs after submitting the application, with no additional drawing fees. Disadvantages are that the project is not fully designed and specified before the work starts - the onus is therefore on the builder to ensure compliance with the regulations. The risk is that if the work is found on inspection to not comply, work may may need to be redone, or additional work may be required.


Typical cost: 2-4 hours @ architects hourly rate*

Programming: allow 2-5 weeks for this stage

*Based on small, simple projects £40- £150K in value

t: 07935 222688
