planning or lawful development drawings
Using the survey drawings as a template, preliminary scheme design drawings are prepared and issued to the client as pdfs and hard copies for comment and approval.
There usually follows a process of amending and reissuing the drawings as the design is developed and finalised, before the drawings are ready for submission to the planning authority to support a planning or lawful/permitted development application.
Please note that planning drawings contain sufficient detail concerning the size of the proposals and proposed external materials, but do not show the constructional detail required for building regulations, or for builders to use to generate a complete and accurate quote.
Planners generally ask for the same set of drawings, whether the application is for planning consent or for a Lawful Development Certificate. Unless a building is listed, planners are not concerned with what goes on internally so layouts can be altered later on if needed
Typical cost: 7– 15 hours @ architects hourly rate*
Programming: allow 4 weeks minimum for this stage
*Based on small, simple projects £40- 150K in value
t: 07935 222688